Saturday, January 28, 2017

Baby Trygg T- Shirt Fundraiser

Adoption Fundraiser #1 

We are super excited to launch our first official adoption fundraiser to bring home baby Trygg! Our very talented friend, Ella, designed these fun shirts for us that we are selling on Bonfire. We have a live T-shirt campaign for 21 days, which then ship directly to the buyers! We make money off of each shirt that will go directly to our adoption fund. We have 4 shirt options, the classic tee (pictured below), V neck t-shirt, hooded sweatshirt, and youth t-shirt. 

Check out the website here:
"Love Has No Limits" T-shirt $25.00 

The back of the shirts say #bringinghomebabytrygg

The phrase on our shirts "Love Has No Limits" was inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:7-8a:  
"Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. It is, in fact, the one thing that still stands when all else has fallen." 

When you buy a t-shirt, you will investing in our future family! We are SO grateful for all of the wonderful people who support us! We hope that you will purchase a t-shirt & think of us and Baby Trygg every time you wear it! Thank you in advance for your support! :) 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Adoption Process Update #2

Another week has passed and the adoption process keeps rolling on! This past week, we got our profile books in the mail! It was so exciting to see our beautiful books in person!

Our Beautiful Profile Books!

Now that we had the books, we were able to officially mail off the final applications to the agencies we are working with! Once the agencies receive our packets, we will be able to actually be sent situations and then have the choice to pray and consider if we would like to present our book to that expectant mom. Then she will consider the profiles she sees and make a choice. We are very excited to be in this part of the process, and we ask that you join us in praying as we move forward!

Sending off our agency applications!!

Another awesome thing that has happened this week is Jared had the opportunity to preach last Sunday! He did a great job and even got to share our exciting news that we adopting with our entire church family!

Thank you for continuing to pray for us through this process! We feel SO blessed for everyone's love, support, and encouraging words! We are dreaming up some fundraising ideas that we will keep you updated on! If you feel it on our heart to donate to our adoption you can do that through our YouCaring page. Thank you!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Adoption Process Update #1

We are SO thankful for all of the support this past week since we announced that we are adopting! All of your kind words, support, and excitement has made us feel so loved and supported! Many people have called, texted, and asked "any new news?" The short answer is not really! In the past week, we have made progress in the process; our wonderful adoption consultant finished our profile book (the book of photos and information about us that we will present to expectant mom). Our profile book is awesome and full of fun pictures that sum up our life so well. We were able to order 17 copies of it to be ready to send to the various agencies we are working with! We are supposed to get our books next week. Then, we can officially send in the last of the paperwork to the 5 agencies we are working with! Once these agencies process our information we will be active and just waiting to be matched! SO EXCITING!!

The night we got the hard copies of our home study!!

We feel so lucky to be able to be going through this process and we are so thankful for everyone that is lifting us and the situation up in prayer! We both feel so much peace as we prepare our home and our hearts for baby Trygg! We are working really hard to save as much money as we can to make this adoption possible! We are working on putting a couple fundraisers together and we will let you all know when we start those up! We also have a YouCaring fundraiser live online!

Awesome paintings Harmony Design Shop painted for us for baby Trigg's nursery!

Sunday, January 8, 2017


We are so happy and excited to finally be telling the world about what is going on in our life! We are in the process of adopting a newborn baby domestically (from the United States). So far, this process has been a whirlwind of excitement, filling out paperwork, and completing home study tasks. We have completed everything we can for the home study process and are now just waiting on the final copy so we can start applying to agencies.

How the adoption process is working for us so far (we are not experts this is just what has happened so far and how the process "typically goes". Every situation is different so our story will be unique and exciting as it unfolds!)

1. Christian Adoption Consultant: On December 1st, 2016, we signed up with Christian Adoption Consultants. We hired a consultant because they help you navigate through the entire process. Our consultant is wonderful and she helps us pick agencies, fill out paper work, make our profile book, and support and encourage us along the way.

Home Study Day!

2. The Home Study: This is a requirement for adopting. Our consultant matched us with a wonderful social worker in Washington that did our home study for us. When we initially called her on December 1st she happened to have a cancelation on the 3rd! It was so crazy, but we said yes. We had our initial visit where the social worker inspects our house and does extensive interviews of both of us. After the visit we had tons and tons of paperwork to submit for the home study, and we also had to get fingerprints, background checks, doctors letters, etc. to finish the process. **We just got an email today from our social worker that we should receive the final copy of our home study this week!!**

Mailing in Paperwork!

3. Applying to Agencies: Because we have a consultant we are not working with one specific adoption agencies. We are doing a multi-agency approach meaning our consultant helps us apply with multiple agencies.

Once we apply to agencies, we will be able to see situations and then eventually will be matched with an expectant mother. Once the baby is ready to be born we will travel to the birth state to meet our baby! We will then stay in that state for about two weeks to finalize some legal things and then we will be able to bring baby Trygg home!

We will continue to update everyone as we progress in the process!